Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kingston Data Traveler 4gb 101 Recovery About How Many Songs Would A Kingston 4GB Data-Traveler 100 USB 2.0 Flash Drive Hold?

About how many songs would a Kingston 4GB Data-Traveler 100 USB 2.0 Flash Drive hold? - kingston data traveler 4gb 101 recovery

The alignment of 5 MB per song, the songs will be 800-1000.


Diana B said...

Depending on the song length and bitrate. BR is like the size of an image. Imagine a poster size of the Mona Lisa and a postcard of the same - the same image but with differences in size and quality. but the speed is the same - high quality sound (all else being equal) will require a higher bandwidth and data space. BR contains a housing and one minutes to give you a good sound for an MB.

I do not know how many (if any is assigned) of space on a flash drive as a non-recordable. Otherwise, it's about a thousand pieces of 4 minutes.

JJ said...

It depends on a number of things. First, what quality is the song? Is it CD quality, HD quality, Quality-FM? Secondly, in what format the song is? Do not use WAV laugh (I know people who do this), MP3, AAC, WMA? After all, how long the songs?

If you use the MP3-quality (Stereo/128 Mbps), you can expect the typical songs you hear on the radio that somewhere size from 3.5 to 5.5 MB.

Now, with most flash drives, you lose some memory as memory that has never really tell how much memory. I believe that giving more than 815 songs, or take back off a little depending on other factors.

Jello F said...

4GB is much more ... ihave over 350 songs and are 128kilobits and take only 1 GB

the involvement of other factors: the quality of the sampling frequency (128kb, 320kb, or64kb)
Song length (3 min vs 7 min)
mp3 format and if u own songs, and waves, hear it, while a small decline in the clarity and quality

Grady Phil said...

The maximum size of a song is about 5 MB, 4 GB can hold over 800 titles.

CanadaRA... said...

A value of 4 GB - it depends on the format of the song files and range in the compression. In uncompressed format, it would be worth about 6 CD's (6 x 650 MB = 3.9 GB)

Andy Horton said...

average size of an MP3 song from 4 MB, so it could fit 1024 songs at 4 MB Stick 4GB

Andy Horton said...

average size of an MP3 song from 4 MB, so it could fit 1024 songs at 4 MB Stick 4GB

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